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Chiropractic Care

Dr Dave reviewing xrays with patientWhile conventional medicine looks to drugs and surgery to address a particular condition or illness, chiropractic care is completely natural and noninvasive. At Engelken Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we provide state-of-the-art chiropractic techniques that get excellent results. Dr. Dave will tailor the method or techniques to suit each patient’s unique needs.

Specific Prone

The primary technique that we use is Prone, which simply means that the patient is facedown. Most of the adjustments that take place are in a downward motion, meaning that there’s not a lot of twisting. So it’s a very gentle technique that works great for all ages.

Conditions That Chiropractic Addresses

It’s remarkable how many different conditions can be successfully managed with chiropractic care. Here are some of the many that we see:

  • Neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Thyroid problems

Take That First Step

You don’t have to put up with persistent pain. We want to help you not only get out of pain but get on the path to optimal healing and health. Discover for yourself the many benefits of chiropractic care.

Contact us today for an appointment! We offer free consultations and accept insurance.


Chiropractic Care Wichita KS | (316) 440-6888